I am 24 years old and I have already
lived in three different countries and therefore I see that this is where my most learning experience comes from. I have been
studying for the last 17 years, but I believe, that apart from the studies over all life experience is the best learning.
Experiencing three different cultures (Sweden, Lithuania and the United States) really made me understand the bad and good
in life, how to act in curtain situations and how to avoid problems. Now as I will start my new life after graduating in couple
weeks I am thinking about moving to another country with the knowledge I have of different languages and other great skills
that can help me in many areas of life after completing my studies at Arizona State University. Living by myself taught me
how to be responsible so place where I live really does not matter anymore. I am ready to experience the world and learn more.
Because everyday by itself is like a lesson and I am ready for it.